Red Hat Enterprise Linux

At a Glance
Deployment over the network
Support by isginf full
User management LDAP or local on computer
Backup none, all data must be on network shares
Administrator (root) access for computer owner optional
OS installation isginf
Configuration and setup isginf
Updates & security fixes isginf
Software licensing & installation isginf

Supported Versions

Release Installation Support
7 X X
8 X X

Managed Configuration

Red Hat EL is installed over the network and has a managed configuration which includes:

  • printing to card-eth or card-stud and group default printers
  • network and firewall
  • software
  • kerberos authentication (ETH user name and ETH password for email), network users and home directory

Root Access

ITCs can request root access for users on installations on computers of their group.


Software from the following sources is available for installation:

  • all Red Hat Enterprise Linux channels including Optional, Supplementary and SCL
  • EPEL
  • ELRepo
  • NUX Desktop
  • software packaged by isginf such Matlab, Maple, etc.

Software can be installed and removed through the GNOME package manager by any user logged in to the GNOME desktop. Centrally deployed new software packages are installed overnight.


Updates can be installed by any user logged in to the GNOME desktop. The user currently logged in is informed of pending updates by pop-up and can choose to install the updates immediately.

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