SPAM Filter

All SPAM mails or otherwise suspicions mails are kept for 30 days in a personal quarantine. You can view the quarantine in the MailCleaner Management Center ( You will also receive a daily quarantine report listing all new mails kept in quarantine.

If you are a BSc or MSc student then your mail is in Exchange Online and the information below does not apply to you. Instead use the instructions for client setup here and access to web mail here.

Using the Quarantine Report

The quarantine report is actually a HTML mail coming from containing links for the individual actions and a direct login to the Management Center without password authentication. You can do the following actions for a kept mail by clicking on icons and buttons in the mail:

  • request a filter adjustment for non-SPAM mails
  • preview the message
  • release the message
  • accept this newsletter

Do not forward the quarantine report to other people. The quarantine report grants direct access without a login to your quarantine.


MailCleaner does not only catch SPAM but also newsletters and handles them separately. Newsletters must be accepted once only and are then received indefinitely.


You can modify various preferences in the Management Center under Configuration:

  • language
  • mail delivery options
  • quarantine report delivery options
  • white, warn and black list

Multiple Reports

If you get several reports per day for the individual mail addresses of your account, you may want to deliver them combined to to one address.

To do so log in to with your ETH user name and ETH password for email and choose as domain. Do not log in through the link in a report mail..

Then go to Configuration » Address settings, check Apply settings to all addresses and click on Save.

Reporting SPAM, False Positives and Phishing Mails

You can help improving the quality of the filter by reporting falsly classified mails:

  • False positives (mail caught in the quarantine but that is not SPAM) can be reported by clicking on the filter adjustment icon in the quarantine report or the quarantine.

  • False negatives (mail that is SPAM but got through) can be reported by sending the respective mail as attachment to

  • Phishing mails that got through MailCleaner should be reported by sending the respective mail as attachment to


ITS provides documentation in their service catalogue entry for mail filtering in the section Instructions / FAQ / How To:

If you have questions or problems with MailCleaner please contact our service desk.

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