Graduate Students

As a graduate student or researcher you have access to the IT infrastructure of ETH Zurich, the Department of Computer Science and your research group. isginf typically manages the later two and provided help and support.

Your IT Coordinator

Every research group has an IT Coordinator (ITC) who is the primary contact for IT related questions and issues for all members of the group and who is familiar with the groups particular IT infrastructure and the policies governing its usage.

Getting Help

If your IT Coordinator is not available you can contact isginf directly. Send us an email to, call us on +41 44 632 7210 (internal 27210) or come to our service desk in CAB E 48 during our opening hours (Monday to Friday, 9:30-11:30 and 13:30-16:30). In the help section on our website you can also find solutions to the common issues and various instructions. Mail to goes to our ticketing system and can also be viewed by your ITC.

ETH User Account

A ETH user account is required to use the IT infrastructure (computers, network, email, etc.) at ETH Zurich. Your login and the initial password is sent to you via postal mail after hiring. If you are a former undergraduate student you will keep your existing ETH user account.

Changing Your Passwords

You can change the passwords of your ETH user account at Login with your ETH user name and your current ETH password for web applications. Then choose Change password under Self Service. The password change wizard will guide you through the process.

If you have forgotten your password then please come to our service desk and bring your ETH card or another official identification document with you.

Getting Started

Here are a few things you want to do when you start at ETH:

Your research group has their own infrastructure (the necessary user account for the IT infrastructure of your research group is created automatically or by your ITC). Ask your ITC if you have any of the following:

Before Leaving

Before you leave ETH we recommend you do the following:

  • Move the mails you want to keep to a private mailbox and request a permanent forward.
  • Copy your personal home page to a new location and request a permanent redirect. Please ask your ITC if there is a space on the group website for the home pages of former members.
  • Transfer any data that belongs to your research group from your home directory or personal laptop to a location designated by your ITC.
  • All personal projects at will be deleted. Please ensure that projects belonging to the group are moved out of your user namespace.
  • Delete unwanted data stored on workstations, laptops, network shares, etc.
  • Return your laptop and other hardware to your ITC.

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